from The Field | Fine Ground Stalkless Catnip | Premium USA-Grown Catnip for Toys & Playtime | Fresh, Potent, Non-Toxic, Eco-Friendly | Safe for Kittens & Cats | Resealable 6 oz Tub Price: $16.90 (as of 03:46 EST- More info) & FREE Shipping.

CAPTIVATE YOUR CAT with aromatic From the Field Catnip. Fresh, potent and non-toxic, it gives your feline a euphoric feeling that may help ease stress and encourage exercise for overall well-being.
SMOOTH, STALKLESS cat nip has been finely ground to a velvety texture from mature cat grass. From the Field Catnip is packed with full-bodied essential oils and blooms that contain natural Nepetalactone.
GROWN IN THE USA in picturesque Washington State, our catnip offers safe cat entertainment. It can be used to refresh your pet’s favorite catnip toys or as a non-calorie alternative to cat treats.

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Product Description

Our All Natural Stalkless kitty Safe catnip is designed for those customers who prefer their catnip not to contain any pieces of stalk. Offered in a resealable tub.
Fresh and Potent
Made and Grown in USA
Resealable tub
Kitty Safe Fine ground Cut
Provide Healthy exercise for cats

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